After researching about conceptual photography and how it can be utilized to convey a certain idea, I decided to learn more about photographers who used this approach. I came across Nikki S. Lee who inspired me to work with a similar theme to her Projects Project. Nikki S. Lee’s project is about trans-identity and how it is changed depending on our surroundings and the people present. I thought that was an interesting concept as I have personally experienced the struggle of finding an “identity”. On a shallow level, I first thought this notion was very problematic. In a globalized world where everyone seeks individualism, how can identity be liquified?! I later realized that while we seek individualism, we also seek acceptance, love and approval from our society, cliques and family. Our identity is shaped by the different components it is made of and these components are highlighted or embraced differently depending on our environment. I derived that the core of human identity is nurtured. My project is not staged and photographed in natural environments in order to reflect how identity interchanges from one scene/environment to the other.


After researching about conceptual photography and how it can be utilized to convey a certain idea, I decided to learn more about photographers w Read More
